Shallow Waters present you with an onslaught of extreme, politicised
noise, barking lyrics at you, whose content comes from newspaper
clippings, socialist historical documents and even the poetry of exiled
Black Panther and revolutionary Assata Shakur. It's quite unusual to
encounter a noise record that has any agenda at all, let alone one that
outlines it so lucidly. Fear not though, this is no lecture: Equal Eyes
is still a mighty torrent of confrontation, clearly inspired by the
likes of Whitehouse in its combination of ear-shredding electronic
clamour and vocals. The manner in which these vocals are delivered gives
even the most punishing of black metal death-grunters a run for their
money, Rob Hill pouring his modulated, distorted scorn over you like a
particularly cranky Dalek. Once again, Hospital proves itself a
definitive bastion of the most articulate and acerbic power electronics

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