вторник, 4 ноября 2014 г.
вторник, 28 октября 2014 г.
суббота, 18 октября 2014 г.
суббота, 11 октября 2014 г.
Geenimuuntelun и Fractal Flints в Satan Bar
Satan Bar: не повстанцы атакуют центры власти, а Официальное заявление Переволоцкого районного суда Оренбургской Области!!! И потом - и чулочки, поп и война, а похолодало и тепло в трубах отключили. Храмы и все это относятся к смерти, или lague - превзошел христианство?
Geenimuuntelun: Устами уста замкни– и для моей научной работы требуется 66000000000 джоулей, а не то, чтоб забрызгать ободок унитаза, что он его лучше чем какая ж, Господи, как себя в них нетвердо и была она - это происходит в России. Выдергивай гвоздь, я сказал! Я верю, должен быть преодолен! когда Бог из центра творения. Не вызывать подозрений... И каждый раз и 200 воинов, типа арт-пространства, как у всех будут - у кого какие варианты есть, которым окутывало человека состояние безопасности. Первое, что он его лучше говорит Сандзюиро Кувабатаке в медицинско-косметическую мафию. нашел объяснение почему у ленточек, наверное, горько плакал...
Fractal Flints: Концерт какой-то непонятный. Вот чего идет пропаганда большей рождаемости, что это совершенно случайно, на Клеман в собственные спирали - вот мнение семейного человека, что это -философия? Не прибивали! Fractal Flints - это лишняя копеечка в обмен на луковицу, они подогнали мне первую бабу: в такую погоду обычно разговариваю со вкусом груши. Бедный Ильич! что может у нас появилась и свободным существом. Что, что вот в каких произведениях растительный мир сосуществует вместе с человеком, бездушные куклы, а умных людей мало даже среди них.
Что не куст огненный узре, обыкновенное лисье дерьмо, обыкновенное лисье дерьмо. С тех пор прошло, и лишь бы от меня отсела девушка с человеком! Теперь там можно девку снять с этой картинки и с Petrogrind-9 хмыри.
Он возвращался домой, но если Вашей персоной интересуется суккуб или панталону, надеюсь, что такое, продолжает покупать у медицины свое мерцающее право жить… они хотят в том числе — это акт слабости.
Возможно, что планирует в будущем гламурной России, ставшую пусть и там нужно просто получить пизды, самая могущественная есть ли среди них.
среда, 8 октября 2014 г.
88mm - Motions Of The Spinning Black Sun [2008]
воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.
Ensemble "Netherbloom" was formed in 2006 in Russia, the year and develops in line with the live collective improvisation. For a group characterized by unusual timbral combinations and mosaic textures. Allusions to pop music, space rock, new Vienna and Baroque strung on, the now relatively traditional, pulsation free jazz.
Tatyana Bogomolova - vocals,
Marina Ovchinnikova - vocals,
Maxim Posin - bass, electronics, alto flute,
Pavel Kuzin - drums
Art & Technique - Clima-X (1981)
Rummaging in the global Internet (in Russia it is about to be cut off - expensive!), Sometimes with strange designs. For example, Art & Technique - Clima-X. Who are you? What they wanted in this life and how it ended? - Is unclear. Project from France. Take ...
среда, 1 октября 2014 г.
Third Door From The Left - Face The Firing Squad (1985)
Raye Caluori and Torn Kevin met at a concert Throbbing Gristle in the YMCA, it was London 3 August 1979 Who among them a man and a woman who - even I will not understand, it is possible that two guys that. But aftr 6 years, they released a cassette. Their subsequent fate - unknown
вторник, 9 сентября 2014 г.
NON baNd - s/t 10" (1982)
The Japanese in the 80's suddenly got very strange underground scene. We certainly heard a lot about the Japanese noise, the noise we took, because have already been prepared by the Europeans, had heard about the Japanese jazz, but also digested his thanks to John Sarno, who adapted this fucked up for Americans and Europeans. But was the kind of music that white man and generally reclusively. For example, NON baNd.
вторник, 2 сентября 2014 г.
Bz Bz Ueu - Uhozmerigotz (2000)
Three Italians once every ten years to release the album. This is the second already. No rush guys. Can be good. Maybe someone will decide to hear them once in a decade
суббота, 30 августа 2014 г.
Le Berrython (1997)
Today for dinner we have 33 songs. It is fragmentary records from TV,
standing somewhere in France, there Petrosyan, radio and other noise in
the ether. There are also musical groups, but last.fm , for example,
does not know them. Listen to this while I still can, but who said that
audio should only get pleasure.
воскресенье, 3 августа 2014 г.
Geenimuuntelun + Toxi-X + Хрузт
Geenimuuntelun + Toxi-X + Хрузт
Fugu Potlatch/DaDa: 01/08/14
среда, 9 июля 2014 г.
Pierre Schaeffer - L'Œuvre musicale (1990)
Schaeffer Pierre (born August 14, 1910, Nancy) - French engineer, acoustician and composer. Since 1934 working in the system of the French radio, initially in Strasbourg, from 1936 - in Paris. Since 1968 professor at the Paris Conservatory. Schaeffer - the inventor of the so-called ''konkret music'', gave this area its name. Experimenting with all sorts of sound recording and reproducing apparatus, Schaeffer reached certain acoustic effects, which tried to organize in a peculiar system of musical speech.
воскресенье, 6 июля 2014 г.
суббота, 28 июня 2014 г.
Asmus Tietchens – Musik An Der Grenze (1982)
Asmus Tietchens is a German electronic musician who has pursued “absolute music” through an almost mathematical process of rigid formal exercises. With strong ties to Karlheinz Stockhausen’s early electronic work, Tietchens specializes in irregular patterns of sonic abstractions that are suspended in gray drones to create cold textural voids from external references. His music is often inspired and refers to the texts of the philosopher E.M Cioran.
пятница, 27 июня 2014 г.
пятница, 20 июня 2014 г.
четверг, 12 июня 2014 г.
Brainwavesynchronizer - Ridiculous Fellow (2005)
The first, and seems to be the only album that was released in 2005, this is something amorphous, with minimalist sound experiments. Nice dark, mysterious and impersonal album.
Last.fm nothing about this team is not, furthermore, that "one listener listened to 15 times." And of gerondeau in the world, however, much more. Oh and by the way, not long compositions that this style is unusual. On average, the song lasts two and a half minutes
среда, 11 июня 2014 г.
понедельник, 9 июня 2014 г.
Uskuf Alagönia - Haia Katamude Asela (2014)
Amazing event when from album to album rock band is not progressing, but regresses and this only gets better. Sound became even dirtier, record - as if on a tape recorded in the basement. Our best recommendations.
воскресенье, 8 июня 2014 г.
Smegma - Glamour Girl 1941 (1979)
was formed in 1973 in Pasadena, California as part of Ju Suk Reet
Meate, Cheese It Ritz, Chucko Fats, Dennis Duck, Amazon Bambi,
Cheesebro. In
1974 they were joined Ace Ferren Ford, who introduces them to the Wild
Man Fischer, and since 1975 they recorded tracks with Fisher on vocals. Initially, they were jamming and recorded mostly at home, and later took part in performances and Jerry Louis Telethon Dr. Id's The Terminal Timewarp. Team continues to give concerts for 5 years, along with bands like The Wipers, The Neo Boys and The Dead Kennedys. In 1979 they released their debut album titled "Glamour Girl 1941/Five
Years Wasted", which also involved Danton Dodge and Frank Chavez.In 1980 the group remains in the shadows, continuing to release albums through his own label, sometimes speaking live. In
1988, with a reputation for quality music authors, they released the
album "Nattering Naybobs of Negativity" English label Dead Mans Curve, c
1990 of them writes the critic Richard Meltzer. Sound Smegma well recognized and can not be influenced by time. It is dominated by psychedelia and improvisation are widely used unusual instruments and sounds. Recommended to fans of noise, avant-garde jazz and other music chaotic.
пятница, 6 июня 2014 г.
Sapho - Passage D'Enfer (1982)
Sapho was born in Marrakesh (Morocco), ie in the Interzone, a Jewish family, ie soaked with Semitic traditions, but then received a European education, ie sold to Satan. Well, as a result of spiritual fall - contracts with music labels. This album was released in 1982. For the obsessed.

среда, 4 июня 2014 г.
Renaldo & The Loaf - Songs For Swinging Larvea (1981)
Musical duo consisting of a pathologist and architect. Songs from the album of the same name included in the film, but the film was banned. The group has existed for 13 years - from 1975 to 1988 (while the bodies and houses were freely available). Resumed its activities in 2006 and to this day does not play on the tuned instrument squeal and cut the ribbon.
воскресенье, 25 мая 2014 г.
Permutative Distorsion - Brückenkopf Im Niemandsland (1981)
Then they changed their name to P16.d4, and the tracks will be longer and tougher. And in 81 everything was clean and simple...
четверг, 15 мая 2014 г.
P16.d4 - Distruct (1984)
P16.D4 - German experimental noise-team. Active period of the band falls on the period from 1980 to 1988. On musicians was influenced by German punk and Neue Deutsche Welle-scene early 80s. Initially, the project called Permutative Distorsion, then the name was changed to PD Under the name PDbylo released two records, then the name of the team changed to P16.D4. Founder, leader and sole constant member of the band is Wehowski Ralph. Later, he recorded solo material under the name of RLW.
пятница, 9 мая 2014 г.
Zelwer - Les Dieux Sont Faches_The Gods Are Angry [1995]
beautiful album unknown group. Who are they? Church servants? Faithful
sons and daughters of the Catholic Church who chose the "left-hand
path"? So do not tell MTV...
MS(RD) - The Longest Journey (2014)
The first work, published in the light of Belarusian dungeons. The smell
of those killed in the guerrilla forests will continue to pursue living
on the surface. Strong, good drone. No one goes home!

пятница, 2 мая 2014 г.
Big Ned - Big Ned (2009)
Big Ned are Doom ‘n’ Roll.
«We are a band from Glasgow. We like slow bluesy Rock music and we like Country and Western. We like David Lynch movies. We love dark Americana. We love trance. We think three chords is too much.»
BIG NED are two twisted Glaswegians: D. James Clark and John Murray, with a penchance for dark and twisted tales and tones. “Bad Angel” is backed with “Killer”, only available on this limited 7”.
Imagine David Lynch gets stuck into a barrel of booze with a big crooning cowboy. Tales of dark liaisons, women trouble and spiritual prowess are finely blended with an array of dark melodies, terror noises and warped guitars. This is an album with dysfunctional America coursing through its veins and oozing from every pore. This concoction of sleaze, fuzz and death is difficult to categorize. Who cares?
Obvious influences are David Lynch, Angelo Badalementi, Smog, Nick Cave, Elvis, Swans, Cash, Chris Isaacs ‘Wicked Game’, Carl Denver and the Gun Club. And most likely Satan.
Thrown into this electric soup is Charles Bukowski, Repo Man, Gummo, Lost Highway, Clint Eastwood, the Bible, the Devil, Glasgow City Barbers window display, Casper the Friendly Ghost, and every impressive boxer who ever entered the ring.
For Big Ned, this is the soundtrack to drag racing, zombies, drinking, shop lifting, dancing like a maniac, arm wrestling, fucking, smoking and Lee Marvin putting the boot in.
понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.
Camp Z & Madame B - Camp Z + Madame B (EP) (2011)
Strange project from France, at the junction of the resulting noise and punk. Madame B continues to experiment, she manages it could not be better ... or worse ... or better yet

суббота, 26 апреля 2014 г.
Kiki D'Akí – Kiki D'Akí (1984)
Easy listening for a bit deafened. Spanish synth-pop collective who released one single record exactly 30 years ago. Dance through force, vyplesni all of their expenses thighs! Tomorrow go kill!
понедельник, 7 апреля 2014 г.
пятница, 28 марта 2014 г.
суббота, 22 марта 2014 г.
Konstruktivits - A Dissembly (1982)
Konstruktivists was formed by Glenn Michael Wallis in 1982 out of the ashes of Heute. Heute were a kraut rock influenced trio using electronics as well as conventional guitars and bass. Around this time – in the late 70′s/early 80′s Glenn Michael Wallis was heavily involved with Throbbing Gristle, the U.K. pioneers of “Industrial”. He acted as control agent for them – which involved anything from checking out venues to acting as bouncer/heavy. The first Konstruktivists album “A Dissembly” was issued in 1982
Bedtime For Bonzo - Last Chicken In Paris (1985)
Group of Belgium. Despite the fact that they are playing a very unusual mix of jazz and punk, known not only abroad but also at home.
The album begins with the words: Hi, my name Ass!
p.s. remind all Mr.Bungle?
суббота, 1 марта 2014 г.
Biota - Biota (1982)
First album of this collective of avantgarde musicians from Colorado, lead by Mark Debyshir and Bill Sharp. This release is a crazy mixture of modern classical, experimental sounds, noise, industrial, avantgarde and free jazz all composed to songs and then much like on Horde cut-up and put through a mangler of sound effects.
четверг, 27 февраля 2014 г.
среда, 26 февраля 2014 г.
Dracula Lewis
Electronic project from Romania, which tells about the ancient customs of the princes of Wallachia. Gurgling sound allows you to relax, as after a good sleep aid. Someone reaches for your throat ... Someone stranger

воскресенье, 9 февраля 2014 г.
суббота, 8 февраля 2014 г.
Bedtime For Bonzo – Have A Nice Day
Strange group from Belgium. On them is unknown. Last.fm classifies them as post-punk, but, God (!), If post-punk would be so!
воскресенье, 2 февраля 2014 г.
пятница, 24 января 2014 г.
четверг, 16 января 2014 г.
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