Scandalous porn star-chanson. The outspoken singer of the new time. The music that defined our times - and will define our time. Albina as the meteor broke into show business in our country, marking the end of a troubled decade of the 00's. First live video for the song "Fuck with hach's" blew up the Russian Internet, earning thousands of views on YouTube. Publication about Sexily in the newspaper "AIDS-info", accompanied candid photoshoot put upside down the whole country, evidenced – bags response letters from prison, came to the singer every week. A series of mind-blowing concerts, shook as seeing it live St. Petersburg Bohemia and inexperienced office managers, reducing events by postivism screens. Debut album "Tajik dick" sold on quotes, company tipsy singing them at night in the yards. Albina Sexily – the first meaningful unit after fruitless zeros.
Heavenly arrangements. Hot shocking show. Sweet and sour songs. This sexy space. Her voice and forms of boys pouring cum out of your ears, and girls show their feet right in the hall. After all, Albina Sexily is a grown-up Alice Selezneva, which finally found the Mystery of the Third Planet – and this secret was Love.
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